
Nashville Christmas

Wow, this was a few years ago. So young (and skinny)! Gary and I were in school in Nashville and it looks like we had 2 little cats. There wasn't a plan or theme for my trees back then...just whatever I had. I think icicles were the only requirement. I don't think the tree was as brown as it looks in the second picture. We had so much fun and were beginning to lay the foundations for future Christmas celebrations.
In my English class at Bible college I used Christmas as the theme for a poetry assignment. I think we had to choose a subject, find poems and somehow put them all together. I do remember that I got an A even though it was a bit "cheesy."
One of the poems I used..."Christmas is Remembering" by Elsie Binns.

Christmas is remembering
Shy shepherds on a hill
And voices echoing
"Peace--Good Will!"
Christmas is remembering
A stable and a star
And wise men journeying
from afar.
Christmas is remembering
A new-born baby boy
And all the world caroling
Songs of joy.

1 comment:

gh5204 said...

Oh my goodness! How young and gorgeous you guys are! I don't think I've ever seen pictures of you from back then. What fun!