It's time to start a new list for Books I've Read this Year (2010). I like to remember what I read the year before, so listing them in a post helps me find them later. I'd really like to read more this year. Cheryl keeps telling me about free kindle books, so I should always have a bunch of free material to read. I downloaded 5 on New Year's Day and started the year off by reading one of them that night. One down! Now if I could just read and exercise at the same time...
Anyway here's my list of books read in 2009
ESV Bible
Christmas in My Heart (#5)- Joe Wheeler
Christmas in My Heart (#10) - Joe Wheeler
Fireflies in December - Jennifer Erin Valent
The Christmas Lamp - Lori Copeland
Christmas Stories by North Carolina Writers (didn't really enjoy this one- there was only 1 or 2 stories worth reading)
The Christmas Bus - Melody Carlson
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and Not Be Overwhelmed - Carolyn Mahaney
The Women of Troy Hill - Clare Ansberry
Scarlet - Stephen R. Lawhead
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith
The Miracle of Speedy Motors - Alexander McCall Smith
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive - Alexander McCall Smith
Blue Shoes and Happiness - Alexander McCall Smith
In the Company of Cheerful Ladies - Alexander McCall Smith
The Cupboard Full of Life - Alexander McCall Smith
Hood - Stephen R. Lawhead
Liberty and Tyranny - Mark R. Levin
The Kalahari Typing School for Men - Alexander McCall Smith
Morality for Beautiful Girls - Alexander McCall Smith
Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
The Principle of the Path - Andy Stanley
it - Craig Groeschel
Respectable Sins - Jerry Bridges
A Violent Grace - Michael Card
44 Scotland Street - Alexander McCall Smith
The Cross Centered Life - C.J. Mahaney
Humility: True Greatness - C.J. Mahaney
Treasuring God in our Traditions - Noel Piper